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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Computer abbreviations for Bank exams Part 4

Here is the Complete list of the Computer Abbreviations List. There are very useful in almost all competitive exams which are having computer knowledge section (espicially bank clerical exams). As the list is little lengthy we've divided the list into two parts. Check the link of the after completion of reading this Part 4 Hope you will like this post. Happy Reading :)

GB: Giga Bytes
GIF: Graphic Interchange Format
GIGO: Garbage In Garbage Out
GML: General Markup Language
GPL: General Public License
GUI: Graphical User Interface
HDD: Hard Disk Drive
HFS: Hierarchical File System
HP: Hewlett Packard
HPC: High Performance Computing
HPFS: High Performance File System
HSR: Horizontal Scan Rate
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
IO: Input Output
IBM: International Business Machines
IC: Integrated Circuit
ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol
ICS: Reduce Instruction Set Computer
ICT: Information And Communication Technology
IDE: Integrated Development Environment
IE: Internet Explorer
IGMP: Internet Group Management Protocol
IL: Intermediate Language
IOP: InputOutput Processor
IP: Internet Protocol
IPX: Internetworked Packet Exchange
IRAM: Integration Ram
IRC: Internet Relay Chat
IRDA: Infrared Data Association
IRQ: Interrupt Request
ISAPI: Internet Server Application Program Interface
ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO: International Standard Organization
ISP: Internet Service Provider
ISR: Interrupt Service Routine
IT: Information Technology
ITPL: Information Technology Park Limited (India)
JCL: Job Control Language
JDBC: Java Data Base Connectivity
JHTML: Java Within Hyper Text Markup Language
JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group
JSP: Java Server Pages
KB: Kilo Bytes
KBPS: Kilo Bytes Per Second
L2TP: Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
LAN: Local Area Network
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display
LDAP: Light Weight Directory Access Control
LIFO: Last In First Out
LIPS: Logical Interfaces Per Second
LOC: Lines Of Code
LSI: Large Scale Integration
LSP: Layered Service Provider
MAC: Media Access Control
MAN: Metropolitan Area Network
MAU: MultiStation Access Unit
MB: Mega Bytes
MBONE: Multicast Backbone
MBPS: Mega Bytes Per Second
MBR: Master Boot Record
MCP: Microsoft Certified Professional
MCS: Multicast Server
MDI: Multiple Document Interface
MDS: Microcomputer Development System
MFC: Microsoft Foundation Classes
MFT: Master File Table
MG: Mega Bytes
MICR: MagneticInk Characters Reader
MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIMD: Multiple Instruction Multiple Data
MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIPS: Millions Of Instructions Per Second
MISD: Multiple Instruction Single Data
MODEM: Modulator And Demodulator
MP3: Motion Pictures Experts Group Layer 3
MPEG: Motion Pictures Experts Group
MS: Microsoft
MSDN: Microsoft Developer Network
MSIIS: Microsoft Internet Information Server
MSIL: Microsoft Intermediate Language
MSMQ: Microsoft Message Queue
MSN: Microsoft Network
MSRAP: Microsoft Remote Administration Protocol
MSRPC: Microsoft Remote Procedure Call
MTS: Microsoft Transaction Server
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit
MUDS: MultiUser Dungeons
NAS: Network Attached Storage
NASSCOM: National Association Of Software & Service Companies
NCP: Network Control Protocol
NDIS: Network Driver Interface Specification
NDRO: Nondestructive Read Out
NETBEUI: Netbios Enhanced User Interface
NIC: National Informatics Centre,
NIIT: National Institute Of Information Technology
NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol
NSFNET: National Science Foundation Network
NTFS: New Technology File System
NTP: Network Time Protocol


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