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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Computer abbreviations for Bank exams Part 5

Here is the Complete list of the Computer Abbreviations List. There are very useful in almost all competitive exams which are having computer knowledge section (espicially bank clerical exams). As the list is little lengthy we've divided the list into two parts. Check the link of the part 4 after completion of reading this Part 5Hope you will like this post. Happy Reading :)

OCR: Optical Character Readers
ODBC: Open Data Base Connectivity
OLE: Object Linking And Embedding
OMR: Optical Mark Reader
ONE: Open Network Architecture
OOA: Object Orient Analysis
OOAD: Object Oriented Analysis And Design
OOP: Object Oriented Programming
OOPS: Object Oriented Programming System
OPEN GL: Open Graphics Library
OS: Operating System
OSI: Open System Interconnection
PC: Personal Computer
PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCMCIA: Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PDA: Personal Digital Assistant
PDF: Portable Document Format
PDL: Page Description Language
PDU: Protocol Data Unit
PIC: Programming Interrupt Control
PILOT: Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching
PLA: Programmable Logic Array
PLC: Programmable Logic Controller
PNG: Portable Network Graphics
PNP: Plug And Play
PPP: Peer To Peer Protocol
PPTP: Point To Point Tunneling Protocol
PROM: Programmable Read Only Memory
PS: Post Script
RADSL: RateAdaptive Digital Subscribes Line
RAID: Redundant Array Of Independent Disks
RAM: Random Access Memory
RAMDAC: Random Access Memory Digital To Analog Converter
RAS: Remote Access Network
RD RAM: Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
RDBMS: Relational Data Base Management System
RDO: Remote Data Objects
RDP: Remote Desktop Protocol
RFC: Request For Comments
RGB: Red Green Blue
RICS: Reduced Instruction Set Computer
RIP: Raster Image Processor
RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computer
ROM: Read Only Memory
RPC: Remote Procedure Call
RTC: Real Time Clock
RTF: Rich Text Format
RTOS: Real Time Operating System
SACK: Selective Acknowledgements
SAM: Security Access Manager
SAP: Service Access Point, Systems Applications Products
SCMP: Software Configuration Management Plan
SD RAM: Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDD: Software Design Description
SDK: Software Development Kit
SDL: Storage Definition Language
SDN: Integrated Service Digital Network
SDRAM: Static Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDSL: Symmetric Digital Subscribes Line
SG RAM: Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
SGML: Standard Generalized Markup Language
SIM: Subscriber Identification Module
SIMD: Single Instruction Multiple Data
SISD: Single Instruction Single Data
SIU: Serial Interface Unit
SMP: Symmetric MultiProcess
SMS: Short Message Service
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNA: System Network Architecture
SNAP: Sub Network Access Protocol
SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol
SNOBOL: String Oriented Symbolic Language
SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol
SPX: Sequenced Packet Exchange
SQA: Statistical Quality Assurance
SQL: Structured Query Language
SRAM: Static Random Access Memory
SRS: Software Requirements Specification
STP: Shielded Twisted Pair
SVVP: Software Verification And Validation Plan
SW: Software
TAPI: Telephony Application Program Interface
TB: Tera Bytes
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
TCPIP: Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol
TDI: Transport Data Interface
TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access
TPM: Transactions Processing Monitor
TSR: Terminate And Stay Residents
UDD: User Datagram Protocol
UDP: User Datagram Protocol
UI: User Interface
UML: Unified Modelling Language
UNC: Universal Naming Convention
UNIX: Uniplexed Information And Computer Systems
URL: Universal Resource Locator
USB: Universal Serial Bus
USRT: Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitted
UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair
VAN: Virtual Area Network
VAST: Very Small Aperture Terminal
VB: Visual Basic
VC++: Visual C++
VCD: Video Compact Disc
VDL: View Definition Language
VGA: Video Graphics Array
VHS: Video Home System
VLIW: Very Long Instruction Words
VLSI: Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits
VPN: Virtual Private Network
VRAM: Video Random Access Memory
VRML: Virtual Reality Modelling Language
VS: Visual Studio
VSNL: Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
VVR: Software Validation And Validation Report
VXD: Virtual Device Driver
W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
WAIS: Wide Area Information Servers
WAN: Wide Area Network
WAP: Wireless Application Protocol
WBEM: WebBase Enterprise Management
WDM: Wave Division Multiplexing
WHQL: Windows Hardware Quality Lab
WINDOWS ME: Windows Millennium Edition
WINDOWS NT: Windows New Technology
WINDOWS XP: Windows Experienced
WINS: Windows Internet Name Service
WMI: Windows Management Instrumentation
WML: Wireless Markup Language
WORM: Write Once Read Many
WSH: Windows Script Host
WWW: World Wide Web
WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get
XHTML: Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language
XML: Extensible Markup Language
XSL: Extensible Style Sheet Langauge
Y2K: Year 2000


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